Monday, February 15, 2010

Trial number 2 for 2010

Great, great time at the CAA trial this weekend!  I love spending the weekend with good friends and then getting to play with one of my dogs for the whole weekend - well that's just icing on the cake!  Saturday was a great day for Trapper and I.
The first run was gamblers and although we didn't get the final Gamble, we got a mini gamble and racked up a lot of points!  I was really happy with Trapper's motivation!
The next run was Master's Standard, and although Trapper back jumped a jump (Totally my fault - isn't it always???) he was fast and focused and well under course time!!  I was honestly thrilled with it!
Advanced Snooker was next and Trapper was great!  I was a little choppy in my commands - saying them too late, but we worked through it and got the Q so we move up to Masters Snooker!
Last run was Masters Jumpers and I thought it was very challeging!  Trapper did terrific and was quick - we did a great push through that thrilled me - he listened so well and we got the Q.  So we were 2 for 4 for |Saturday - I'm very happy with that!

Sunday was technically not a success Q wise as we were 0 for 4 for Q's, but his Steeplechase was wonderful.  He missed his entry to the weaves so I re-started him and we didn't make time - BUT - we were only 1.06 seconds over time!  If not for the weave entry....but that shows I still have to work on entries!
Trapper's first Masters Snooker was very quick!!  Quick to get off that is!!  He snuck into an end of the tunnel I thought I had blocked - that little sneak!!!  So we got whistled off pretty quick!
The Challenge course was exactly that - VERY challenging!  This showed that we really have to work on threadles as Trapper back jumped a jump - once again I was in the wrong position!  But he ran terrific so that was great!
Now for the last run - Masters Standard....Trapper ran terrific for the last run of the day but he had another refusal at the weaves as he missed another entry...but he ran so nice and quick!  When we got off - I was told by friends Tracey and Darcy that we missed a loop!!!  We were to come around 2 jumps and onto the teeter!!  I totally forgot about the teeter!!!  We just kept going.  But apparently I wasn't the only tired person out there as the judge missed it also and never called it!!  Wow - but in her defense - she pretty well judged all day and I'm sure she was pooped out for the day - OR - she was just mesmorized by my little Trapper racing around the course she saw nothing else - that had to be it!!!!  He's soooo cute!!!!!!!
I was shocked I missed the loop and am actually glad we had another fault because I honestly wouldn't have felt great about Q'ing a run where we missed 3 obstacles! That's what would have happened if we got the weave entry correct, but the main thing on that run was that Trapper and I were very connected and it was a great way to end the weekend!!
Next weekend myself and a few friends rented a barn and are going out the practice.  Weave entry, threadles and a faster teeter are on my agenda!!
Hope everyone has a great week!!!!

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