Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yes!!! Hunter acheived her ADC title!!

Well - the Wee Wednesday trial tonight was great!! My Hunty got her last Starters Standard leg! Yippee!!! She got her title - ADC (Agility Dog of Canada) and she got a beautiful Training Troop titling ribbon! I usually don't collect ribbons unless they're special - this one is!! And she had no sniffies!! Wow - she ran really well! We didn't get her Snooker - as she jumped one of the red's twice - but until then she ran great! Trapper was only in Advance snooker and he ran wonderful!! Fast and clean in the opening - and we racked up a lot of points - but then he missed his weave entry in the closing!! I didn't care - he ran terrific so I was very happy!!
I love Wee Wed trials as they are very relaxed and really a lot of fun!


  1. Hey I just found your blog!! Nice to see you in blogger world!! Congrats n the title too!

  2. hey blogger, glad to see you on my "follower"list
    Good to hear you enjoy our trials, always great to see you!
