Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My First AAC Nationals!!!!

Awesome!!!  What a great, amazing experience!!  It was a huge event (the biggest Nationals yet) and so well organized!  Training Troop organized and rocked this event!!  It was held at Spruce Meadows in Calgary - a wonderful facility!  The weather was great, I spent too much shopping at the vendors and loved watching some amazing handlers and their dogs.

Trapper was only entered in the Steeplechase on the Friday and was terrific!  He Q'd both of his runs but was just not quick enough to make it to the finals - but that was just fine!  He ran great!  Nailed all of his weave entries and was a happy little guy running!

Hunter was in the full competition on Saturday and Sunday - and she made Mommy proud.  She just missed getting both of her Gamblers - our Jumpers run Sunday morning was perfect - the highlight of the event for us.  We clicked perfectly - Hunter listened and was rocking!  Both Standards and 1 Jumpers had a few faults here and there - but she listened to me and I felt we were really a team out there!  I honestly felt like we belonged at Nationals.  I can't wait for Regionals next year to try it all again - and make sure I do my best to try and Qualify for the 2011 Nats with both Trapper and Hunter this time. 
I've been concentrating on training and trialing with Trappy the last 2 years - that it was such a sweet feeling to spend the whole weekend competing again with Hunter.  I'm so happy my first Nationals was with her.

So now this is going to be a big break for us concering agility.  My next trial will be in October.  In between it's going to be a few agility practices here and there, lot's of walks at the off leash park and lot's of bonding!
It's time for a little relaxation!!

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