So - I took both Hunter and Trapper for their yearly vet check up a few weeks ago and as per my vet Sean, they are in tremendous shape!! He is so impressed by both of their muscle tone and weight! He's very impressed we do agility! They only thing I knew that might be called into question was Hunter's teeth. I've know for about 2 years now there was some tarter build up on her back teeth! Not horrible - but still I knew she would need to have them cleaned sooner or later and her breath wasn't the freshest. I'm just always afraid of putting my dogs under anesthetic - I get really stressed just thinking about it! Sean told me that they really should be done soon - so since she's 7 years old now - I decided to get it done while she's still young and healthy! I had extra bloodwork done up on her to ensure her health - and the test came back perfect! So an appointment was set and this past Thursday my Hunty had her teeth cleaned for the first time. Everything went perfect and I picked her up around 4:30pm that day. Oh man......She was soooooo out of it!! I knew what to expect - but Hunter is always so full of life and happy and acts like a puppy all of the time so it truly broke my heart to see her lose her footing and stumble a little here and there. She wasn't hungry or thirsty and just wanted to sleep and pace around here and there - she was very disoriented - when she looked at me it was like she was just staring through me. I just cuddled with her on the couch all night and we went to bed around 11:00pm. She curled in a tight ball on the bed and didn't move all night.
Friday morning came and she was my Hunty again!!!! My goodness dog's can bounce back fast!! She was starving, thirsty and happy again!!! Phew!! I KNEW she would be ok - but I just stress so much about my dogs it's unreal!
So - Hunty has beautiful white teeth and really fresh breath - YAY!!! Hopefully this is the one and only time she'll have to have her teeth cleaned!
I'm really itching to trial! My last agility trial was at the Nationals the first weekend in August! I've been practicing on my own and have really been working on distance with Trapper. That's our weak point! It's been going really well in practice but we still have a long way to go! I'm travelling to Edmonton for the Thanksgiving weekend to compete in the DAL (Dog's at Large) trial! I'm going on my own and actually really love travelling on my own and having my own hotel room from time to time - it's like a little vacation!
We'll see how Trapper does - especially in the 1 Gamblers class they have. Trapper hasn't been in Masters Gamblers for long - but still doesn't have a "Q". Hopefully it'll start clicking soon!
We've also entered the Training Troop trial in late October. I entered Trapper for the whole trial and just entered Hunty in 3 runs on the Saturday. This trial almost always fills so I hope I get in!! After that it's almost a trial a month (some months I have 2 trials lined up) from now until Regionals next June!
Well - the sun is actually shining (it's been a brutal summer) so I'm about to take the kid's for a walk and then pick apples off our crab apple tree in the backyard!
Can you believe it's almost October!?!?!?!?? Sheesh, time flies!!!!!!!
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